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Developing Creativity in Higher Education: an imaginative curriculum

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 14 years, 1 month ago

Developing Creativity in Higher Education: An Imaginative Curriculum

Edited by Norman Jackson, Martin Oliver, Malcolm Shaw, James Wisdom


Graduates face a world of complexity which demands flexibility, adaptability, self-reliance and innovation, but while the development of creativity is embedded in the English National Curriculum and in workplace training, the higher education sector has yet to fully recognise its importance. This book highlights how pressures such as quality assurance, peer review systems, demands for greater efficiency and increased research output are effectively discouraging innovation and creativity in higher education. It makes a bold case for the integration of creativity in higher education, drawing together contributors and research from around the world and explores valuable lessons learnt from those working in schools and professional organisations. Offering a wealth of advice on how to foster creativity on an individual and an institutional level, this book encourages lecturers to engage with the ideas and practice involved in helping students to be creative in all areas of their study.



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