Lifewide creativity




Lifewide Education puts forward the proposition that valuable learning and personal development can be gained from most or all parts of a learner’s life as they deploy their capability to deal with and create situations (Jackson 2010). This study is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the creativity people recognise in the situations that they encounter or create in everyday life.


Interesting questions include:

Q What do we understand creativity to mean in everyday life?

Q Where in our lives are we able to exercise our creativity according to these meanings?

Q What stimulates our creativity and what forms does it take? Are they different in different parts of our lives?

Q What patterns emerge from the enquiry?


The study will be undertaken between June 16 and August 16 2010. Information will be summarised and published in early September.


How to join the study

Please complete the attached template.



Thank you

Professor Norman Jackson

Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education


Developing creativity through lifewide education