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Creative Thinking : Re-imagining the university

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 13 years, 10 months ago

Creative Thinking - Re-imagining the University


The 2010 Galway Symposium on Higher Education took place on June 10th and 11th The theme of the conference covered

novel approaches to curricular design

constraints and opportunities in developing new curricula and structures

innovative approaches to teaching and the fostering of active learning

the role of creativity in teaching, learning and research

nurturing creativity in students

imaginative approaches to the student learning experience

creativity myths and reality



For those of you who were unable to visit us for our Symposium in June this year (Creative Thinking – re-imagining the university), you might like to know that most of the keynote presentations are available online and we have a summary of the event provided in cartoon style by the wonderfully talented Andrew Park.  

You can access the keynotes here:
And the cartoon summary here: http://www.nuigalway.ie/celt/documents/2010_NUIG_Symposium.pdf

In addition, at the end of the conference we held the first ever TEDxGalway event with a bunch of very brave volunteers who had never presented or performed in this format before and the recordings show some of the fascinating work that is going on in this neck of the woods.


Finally, as part of a related research project which is looking at policy as well as practical aspects around creativity in higher education, we are keen to get a diverse range of inputs and comments and would be delighted if you could pop your thoughts into this site:


Developing creativity through lifewide education

Norman Jackson 




Workshop Framework

Life Map.doc



making a difference inspiring story

YouTube plugin error  


Join  Lifewide Creativity Study closing August 16 2010



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