
Pedagogy and curriculum

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 14 years, 5 months ago




Learning to be creative in a particular field requires people to be enculturated into the field often by legitimate peripheral participation - apprenticeship. John Seely Brown describes the dimensions of learning to be as : a way of seeing; a way of knowing; seeing what constitutes and interesting problem; knowing what consitutes an elegant (in this context perhaps novel) solution; and being able to engage in productive enquiry. These fit the idea of learning to be creative in a field very well.


In search of an appropriate pedagogy Norman Jackson and Christine Sinclaire

A pedagogic strategy John Cowan

Creativity and the Curriculum Margaret Edwards, Christine McGoldrick and Martin Oliver


Personal Development Planning (PDP) and creativity

Creativity and PDP WORKING PAPER JAN 06.doc



Creativity and problem working: Creativity is often required in challenging problem working sitiations so what is the relationship between creativity, enquiry and problem working? In May 2006 a small group of people came together to explore this relationship and try to develop a better conceptual understanding.

Creativity enquiry and problem working.doc Creativity doesn't work by itself.


Creativity-based intellectual property education project at Miyagi National College of Technology Japan

Masahiko Itoh*, Yasuo Utsumi†, Hiroshi Sakuraba‡, Katsuhiko Suzuki§, Kazuya Konno**, Tomoaki Endo††, Keunyoung Pak‡‡

Miyagi National College of Technology, Natoria, Miyagi, Japan






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