

Page history last edited by Norman Jackson 12 years, 3 months ago



Nurturing Creativity in Higher Education: an imaginative curriculum

This wiki supports the exchange of ideas, research and practices between members of the imaginative curriculum

network and anyone else who wants to help students and higher education teachers realise their creative potential. 

Join the imaginative curriculum network - for people who care about students' creative development.

Please contact normanjjackson@btinternet.com if you would like to contribute.

This wiki is being maintained by Chalk Mountain Lifewide Education Community Interest Company

  Imaginative Curriculum Network Information Note 2004.pdf


Not a book on creativity but a way of encouraging

students to use and develop their creativity



The idea of an imaginative curriculum that encourages and supports lifewide learning and personal development is now being progressed by the Lifewide Education Community.







Personal creativity - 'more than one right answer' Dewiit Jones 


Conceptual thinking

Developing personal creativity through lifewide education July 2011   Presentation University of Salford

Keynote - Paul Kleiman - A Delicate Balance: nurturing creativity in a time of crisis

Developing Creativity through Lifewide Education       Presentation

The Wicked Problem of Creativity in Higher Education

Making sense of creativity in higher education

A model of 42 models of creativity Richard Greene

New Opportunities for Media Enabled Learning through a Life-Wide Curriculum

Towards transformation: conceptions of creativity in higher education Paul Kleiman

Creativity in Higher Education Whats the Problem SEDA Educational Development  

Developing creativity in higher education   Presentation


Creativity-based intellectual property education Miyagi National College of Technology

Masahiko Itoh*, Yasuo Utsumi†, Hiroshi Sakuraba‡, Katsuhiko Suzuki§, Kazuya Konno**, Tomoaki Endo††, Keunyoung Pak‡‡

Miyagi National College of Technology, Natoria, Miyagi, Japan

Creative and Critical Thinking: Assessing the Foundations of a Liberal Arts Education

Final Project Report



2012 Higher Education Creativity Conference Chengdu China June 11-14th

6th Education in a Changing Environment Conference, Creativity and Engagement in Higher Education, The University of Salford July 6-8th 2011

The Creativity and Work Conference: Transfer and transformation of learning between education and work - VIDEO RESOURCES Friday 12th November 2010

Educating for the real world September 29th University of Surrey

Creative Thinking : Re-imagining the university Galway Ireland June 10/11th

The Creative Campus: campus as classrooom  May 19th  

Life-wide learning conference University of Surrey April 13-14 2010

Mapping creativity in higher education in Ireland  Dublin March 2010


Book Reviews

A New Culture of Learning 

Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown

The Art of Possibility June 2011

Fostering Creativity: A diagnostic approach for higher education and organisations 

Arthur Cropley and David Cropley

Everyday Creativity: and new views on human nature

Edited by Ruth Richards

Developing Creativity in Higher Education: an imaginative curriculum

Edited by Norman Jackson et al


Creative Academy

Guide to facilitating creative thinking in groups


Creative Interventions NTFS Project

The Creative Interventions project is exploring how work-related learning in the public and third sectors encountered during a creative arts higher education, is valued and fostered by students, tutors and employers.

FINAL REPORT.pdf January 2011





Ken Robinson - we need a revolution in education May 2010 TED

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RSA Animate videos produced by cognitive media  create new meaning  

Secret powers of time Philip Zimbardo

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 What motivates us? Daniel Pink

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Its not enough to be creative - we need a whole lot of other things if we are to be succesful in using our creativity

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Creative solution for encouraging others to be creative   

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Finding your element - Sir Ken Robinson

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 Sir Ken Robinson on creativity in education

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An imaginative curriculum - why cant we do it in HE?

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