Developing creativity in higher education
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by Norman Jackson 15 years, 1 month ago
Developing Creativity in Higher Education: Appreciating what we do, imagining a more creative curriculum. Professor Norman Jackson
presentation to the University of Liverpool learning and teaching conference June 2009
Norman is Professor of Higher Education and Director of the University of Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education (SCEPTrE). One of the aims of the Centre is to support the development of students as critical and creative enquirers – an important aspect of the creative personal agency necessary to be a successful professional. Prior to this Norman was a Senior Adviser in the Higher Education Academy and the Learning and Teaching Support Network Generic Centre where, in 2001 he initiated the imaginative curriculum network. In this role he led a programme of work aimed at developing understanding of the meanings of creativity in higher education and the ways in which students’ creative development is supported and encouraged. Some of this work was published in a book by Routledge-Falmer, ‘Developing Creativity in Higher Education: an imaginative curriculum.’ He is currently developing the idea of a life-wide curriculum as a means of encouraging and facilitating students’ creative development, and a Creative Academy as a means of encouraging creative teachers to invent new designs to foster learners’ creativity.
Developing creativity in higher education
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